Friday 22 November 2013

TGIF friday Feature-Christmas Season Simplified

Happy Friday everyone!!!! Hope all of you have fun and exciting plans for the weekend.

      Well we all know how crazy the Christmas Season can get, from wrapping gifts and Christmas Baking to holiday parties. We always stress that we have so MUCH to do and so LITTLE time to do it in, but do we really need to stress about all the little things!!! We often forget that if we plan ahead and get a little bit organized the holiday season will simply go smoothly and we will enjoy every moment of it, instead of scratching our heads wondering where it went and what we even did. And you can do it all by not breaking the bank.


Planning Ahead:

            From Christmas baking to hosting parties, we always manage to go over board and do that last minute running around. When we do this, we are always disorganized and always forget other the minor or major necessities. So do a to do list and have a budget!!!!

So here is a few tips that you can use to help you plan and to stay ahead of the game:

1.      Buy all of your baking and cooking items well in advance (plus a little bit extra)- when you do this you will have less time running around and more time on all of the other holiday festivities

2.      Strategize Gift-Wrapping- Start wrapping presents early, but add ribbons, bows, and tags later (label gifts with sticky notes so that you don't forget who gets what). Unadorned boxes are stackable and, as a result, will be easy to store and transport.

3.      Tend the Bar- Take inventory of liquor-cabinet staples, including tonic water and other mixers, and restock those that are running low. Also chill a few bottles of Champagne, as the best holiday fetes are often spontaneous.

4.      Draw Up a Budget and a Gift List Before You Shop- This will ensure even distribution (among say, your kids or your grandkids) and eliminate aimless shopping expeditions. Organize lists by category (clothing, electronics, toys), so you'll have to make only one trip to each store. You can also encourage friends and family to set up wish lists with their favorite online retailers. These services, which work just like wedding registries, are especially helpful for long-distance gift exchanges.

5.      Create a Plan for Holiday Entertaining- Trying to get everything done at the last minute with guests knocking at your door sparks serious stress. Instead, pace yourself. Think about what you can prepare in advance and make a checklist of all the ingredients you need. When it comes time to shop (ideally a few days before the big event), avoid the evening-weekday rush and weekend crowds. The day of, set the table in the morning so that unforeseen events -- a late meeting, a last-minute stop at the wine seller -- don't slow things down. Right before your guests arrive, dim the lights, light some candles, and pour yourself a glass of wine


DIY Decorations

Wow your guests this year with great DIY decorations that you throughout your house.

When it comes to the decorating for the holidays all you would hear are Cha Ching.... that’s right folks those lovely dollars signs always likes to make their loud appearances during this time of year. But they can be silenced.... that’s right they can be silenced.

            Instead of always buying new decorations every year or because the ones that you have are old and sad looking, just take a look around your house and get inspired.


Like those empty wine bottles.... turn them into simple shelf decorations with some metallic paint or even us them as candle holders

Glass vases.... you can fill them up with pine cones, fruits (like lemons, limes, oranges....)

Mason/Jam jars..... Great for homemade snow globes, candle holders or even make great gifts if you’re a baker.


Links and websites:
These are some of my go to websites and links that I love to go to when I am getting ready for the holiday season (or even a party). They provide great ideas and information for the holiday season or for any occasion!!!!

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