Monday 2 December 2013

Starting on Solids

Wow, you are getting ready to start your baby on his first spoonful of solid food. How exciting -- he's growing up!

As most babies are ready to start solids at 4 to 6 months, remember that your goal is to introduce your child to solids -- not to fill him up on them!!!!! Just keep in mind that breast milk or formula should be the primary source of nutrition for the first 12 months and try to expose him to a wide array of foods from all food groups (unless you know he has a certain allergy). And the more flavors and textures he tries early on, the less likely you’ll have a picky eater, when they are all grown up. This is so very true, as I am on month number 3 on solids with Marley and so far there are only a few items that she doesn’t like, which are avocados and zucchinis.

Here are some signs that your baby is ready for solid foods
  • Can sit and hold his head up
  • Can watch and open his mouth for the spoon
  • Can move food with his tongue from the front to back of mouth
The first meal:

Now the first meal is a sign that our little bundles of joy are growing up and moving on to the next step, its also a good starting point on how you want to give him/her is food.  Some people go all homemade and some go with the prepackaged baby food, so depending on which direction you choose for baby food make sure you know what is in it and is it at the right age for the foods.

When to start:
While some pediatricians and doctors believe that some babies can start as early as 4 months, other doctors recommend waiting until they're at least 6 months old because:

* Your baby simply doesn't need solids before then. Breast milk and formula provide all the nutrition she requires.

* Starting earlier increases the risk of food allergies and obesity.

* By 6 months, your child will have lost her tongue-thrust reflex, which makes her push anything that isn't liquid out of her mouth.

It's sometimes okay to begin solids at 7 months -- some babies may not be developmentally ready until then -- but don't wait longer than that. This is the time when babies really begin to be interested in solids -- you may see your infant curiously eyeing your dinner or opening her mouth as if she'd like a bite. Take advantage of her eagerness to try new tastes.

How to start

Time her first meal so that she's hungry but not ravenous or she'll be too fussy to even let you put the spoon near her mouth. And start off with a small amount as this is their first time eating solids that they may not like it or even eat a whole bunch.  One tactic that you can try if your little one is really fussy is to let her nurse or have a bottle for a few minutes to take the edge off her appetite, and then serve solids. Afterward, she can top off the meal with the rest of her bottle or the breast. Feed her in a quiet place so she's not distracted.

What to feed her
Rice cereal is a popular first food. It's easy to digest and rarely triggers an allergic reaction. Make sure it's iron fortified, and...

* Prepare it very thin at first -- one teaspoon of cereal to four or five teaspoons of breast milk, formula, or water.

* Scoop a little bit onto a baby spoon, and put it between your baby's lips.

* If the cereal comes sliding back out, don't worry. Your baby needs to figure out how to swallow something that isn't liquid. It may take several tries before she gets the hang of it.

* If she refuses to open her mouth or begins to cry, try again the next day. If she still balks, wait a week before trying again.

Something to keep in mind: Some experts now believe that fruit and vegetables (either mashed, strained, or pureed) should be a baby's first food instead of cereal because exposing kids to healthy foods from the start can lay the foundation for healthy eating habits throughout life. So it's fine to try mashed bananas, mashed cooked pears, mashed sweet potatoes, pureed peas, or pureed green beans.

How much to feed her
The first few times you offer your baby something she's never eaten before, getting the taste of it on her little lips is good enough. If she likes it, aim for a teaspoon of food at each sitting and gradually give more as she accepts it. If she closes her mouth, turns away, or slaps at the spoon, it probably means she's full. Babies are born with the ability to self-regulate how much food they need, and will eat only that amount. For some meals -- or days  -- she may not eat much; on others, she may be very hungry.

Foods to avoid:

 Newborn to 4 to 6 months

All solid food: The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends exclusive breastfeeding until your baby is six months old.

Foods to avoid: 6 to 12 months

Honey: Honey can harbour spores of Clostridium botulinum, which causes botulism. An adult's intestinal tract can prevent the growth of these spores, but in a baby the spores can grow and produce life-threatening toxins. Do not give your baby honey until he is a year old.

Cow's, goat's and sheep's milk: Stick with breast milk or formula as the sole source of nutrition until your child's first birthday. Why? It doesn't have all the nutrients he needs, and it contains minerals in amounts that can damage his kidneys. You can begin to offer these milks in small amounts, in addition to breast milk or formula after nine months.

Egg whites: The egg yolk is a wonderful source of protein for your baby but the Canadian Paediatric Society recommends avoiding egg whites until he is a year old to minimize the risk of allergic reaction.

Salt, sugar, and artificial sweeteners: Try sweetening desserts with mashed banana or a purée of stewed dried fruit if possible, or use expressed breastmilk or formula milk. Your baby's taste buds are more sensitive than yours and he doesn't need any extra salt, sugar, or artificial sweeteners to help him enjoy his foods. These flavour enhancers don't offer him any more nutrients.

Fruit or diet drinks: Artificial sweeteners are not suitable for babies and young children.

Soft mould-ripened cheeses (brie, camembert), liver pâté, and soft-boiled or raw eggs. These are foods which may carry a risk of food poisoning

Low-fat milks (2%, 1%, or skim), low-fat spreads, yogurts and reduced-fat cheeses Always offer your baby the full-fat versions - they need the calories.

Watch out for these choking hazards:

Large chunks: Pea-size pieces of food are safest — they won't get stuck in your child's throat. Hard vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be shredded, or cooked and diced or mashed. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving. Cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces or shred them. Hot dogs should be sliced or diced.

Sticky foods: Spread sticky foods like cream cheese, peanut butter and other nut butters thinly on a cracker or on toast.

Small, hard foods: Nuts including peanuts, popcorn, cough drops, hard candies, raisins, and other small dried fruit and seeds are potential choking hazards.

Soft foods: Soft foods like marshmallows and jelly candies can get lodged in your child's throat.

More choking prevention:

• Always supervise your baby when he is eating.
• Make sure your baby is sitting down when he eats.
• Take the pits out of fruits before offering them to your child.
• Avoid letting your child eat in the car. It's too hard to supervise while driving.
• If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your baby as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.


It's a wise idea to introduce new foods gradually, waiting several days after each new menu item to make sure your baby doesn't react to it. And if you believe that your baby is likely to have food allergies -- for example, if allergies run in your family -- check with his doctor to determine the best strategy for introducing allergenic foods like eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish

Have some fun and enjoy


Friday 29 November 2013

Breastfeeding 101

Breastfeed or not to breastfeed???? That is the Question.

   Okay so I’m not a doctor or a nurse in this field and its a very touchy subject. But I am a mother, and on several occasion I have had this conversation with other mothers about breastfeeding and what is going through our minds. And to tell you the truth its hard because we just want our little bundle of joy to be healthy and to gain the weight that they need to grow.

    If you breastfeed your new born….. that is great!!! If you give the bottle…. that’s great as well!!!!

The reason why I am for both the bottle and for breastfeeding is because I know each mother and child are different when it comes to feeding. Some babies may prefer one over the other or you as a mother, your body may not be able to produce the milk for your baby in order for them to do the breastfeeding from the boob.

   We may get lectures on how breastfeeding is the best way for your child to get all of the nutrition that they need and how that its the only way. NEWS FLASH!!!!! we get it alright but it is hard. And don’t let it get to you if you give your baby the bottle, the boob or a bit of both. When Marley was born I did both because she was still hungry when she was done with my breasts and at one point she went on a bottle strike, on where she wanted the boob and only the boob. Then one day out of the blue, I noticed that she wasn't really digging the boob factor for being fed, I went and made a bottle, lone and behold Marley took the bottle. SWEET!!!! Bottle strike is now over. So just go with what your child wants and that’s all you have to worry about.

Now if you breast feed your little one you want to make sure you invest in a breast pump. Now the one that I use before Marley stopped taking the bottle is Medela. It is the top of the line breast pump and it is great and it even has its own line of bottles. The other type of pump that I used is the safety line, now with this type of pump there was a lot of small parts to it and if you lost one it didn’t pump…. so you are pretty much shit out of luck when that happens which I was and you need to go and buy the part if you can find it or spring for a new breast pump.

Now if you give your child the bottle with formula. I’m not going to suggest what formula to use as it is all trial and error to find the one that your child will drink, but make sure you find one that gives as much as the same nutrition that your breast milk will give. I have used both Enfamil and good start. At first, I preferred Good Start as I found that it had a lot of nourishments and was the closest to breast milk. Now I've switched over to Enfamil, as I've noticed that Marley breaks out a little bit on her face when she was drinking Good Start, you still get the same nourishments as the Good start. Another formula that you can use is Similac. Once again its all in the trail and error of what your child prefers.

Bottles!!! got to love those bottles. Now my favorite bottle is the DR. Browns they are great as it reduce the amount that your little one will swallow at a time, reduce the amount of burps that you need to do and they have a cool flow system within the bottle and got great ratings. The other one I am a fan of is the nuk nuk they come in different sizes and the nipple on the bottle is some what shaped like the ones that we have. The one that I am some what on the fence with is the medela bottle. Its great and all and its perfect if you have the medela breast pump but I find that the nipple is to long as it makes Marley gag. But once again these are the ones that I’ve tried and have worked when Marley took the bottle…. so its all about the trial and error to see which one works for you.

And just remember weather you breastfeed or give your child the bottle its okay your NOT doing anything wrong, you are just feeding your child!!!!

Want more info, then check out these great websites:

Monday 25 November 2013

Recipe of the week- yummy mommy Greek dinner Courtesy of The Pampered Baby

Opa!!!!!  That’s right folks we’ve gone Greek at Around Town With Mommy.  Just imagine sitting on the patio of a beautiful hotel while watching the sunset over the Mediterranean or enjoying a nice family dinner with a possible smashing of plates at the end or maybe imaging what it would have been like if the Greek gods still had a presence....  Oh The endless possibilities.


Well, this past week I had the opportunity to do a yummy mommy greek dinner courtesy from The Pampered Baby.  I’m usually picky when it comes to Greek food, as I find it hard to find a recipe or even a restaurant that stays true to the taste of Greece. Well let’s just say I wasn’t disappointed with the selection of recipes as well as a good modern twist on some of the dishes, such as greek salad made with Quinoa and homemade pita chips with Tzatziki. Enjoy it as a great meal for during the week or have it as a dinner meal with friends or family. Oh yeah don’t forget the Orzo, it will complete the meal. Also youll find a bio about The Pampered Baby


Recipes Courtesy from The Pampered Baby


Quinoa Greek Salad
Pita Chips & Tzatziki (also served with main course)
Slow Cooker Lemon Herb Chicken with Greek Style Rice & Potatoes

Quinoa Greek Salad

1 cup quinoa, uncooked
1 avocado
1/2 cucumber
1/2 red onion
1 large tomato, or a handful of cherry tomatoes
1 small can of sliced olives (optional)
1/2 cup feta cheese
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Cook quinoa; Bring 2 cups water & quinoa to a boil. Stir, cover &reduce heat to low. Simmer for 15 minutes (or until soft & water is absorbed).
When cooked, remove from heat & set aside to cool.
Dice all veggies & feta into large chunks- approx 1/4" - 1/2" pieces.
In a container with a lid, mix the olive oil & vinegars; shake well.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl until well blended.
Keep in fridge until ready to serve.

Pita Chips & Tzatziki

2 large pitas
8 oz Greek yogurt
1/2 cucumber
2- 3 cloves garlic (based on prefernce- I say the stinkier your breath, the yummier the dip!)
1 tbsp lemon juice (fresh if you have it)
1 tbsp fresh dill or 1 1/2 tsp dried dill

Preheat oven to 350; bake pitas for approx. 10 minutes, or until crunchy.
When cooled, break into pieces similar in size to tortilla chips.
Finely dice cucumber.
Crush garlic.
Combine all ingredients & stir well.
Keep in fridge until ready to serve.

Slow Cooker Lemon Herb Chicken

10 chicken breasts or thighs (or both)
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp pepper
6 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup water
chicken or veggie bullion cube (or 1 cup stock)
6 cloves garlic, minced

Mix all of the seasonings, etc in slow cooker until well blended.
Add chicken- mix well, so that all pieces have been coated.
Cook on low for 6- 8 hours or high for 4.

Greek Style Rice

3- 4 tbsp butter
1 small white onion, chopped
2 tbsp garlic, minced
2 cups rice (uncooked)
3 1/2 cups water with 2 bullion cubes (or 3 1/2 cups chicken broth)
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped
2 tsp ground pepper

In a large skillet/ frying pan melt butter; saute garlic & onion for approx. 3 minutes.
(or until onion is soft)
Add everything else & stir well.
Bring to a boil; reduce heat & simmer covered for 20 minutes.
Give a final stir- ready to serve!

Greek Style Potatoes

4 large potatoes, peeled & sliced (approx. 6 slices lengthwise per potato)
1/3 cup olive oil
1 1/2 cup water with veggie or chicken bullion cube (or 1 1/2 cups chicken broth)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp rosemary

Preheat oven to 350
In large baking pan (9"* 3" at least) mix everything together (except potatoes).
When everything mixed well, toss in potatoes; make sure they are well coated.
Cover pan with foil.
Bake for 1 1/2- 2 hours, turning once or twice.
Poke with a fork to check if cooked.

Serve & enjoy!!!

The Pampered Baby Bio:

Hi there,

I'm Katherine, proud Wife, Mom, & DIYer. I love anything that sparkles, has heels, or that can be covered in chocolate. You can find me writing away at The Pampered Baby, where I cover a variety of topics for Moms & families. Since having my baby girl in June, I have made it my goal to try and build a support network for ladies- especially self employed Moms- so that we can help each other succeed and spend more time where it matters: with the people we love. Each week I offer a mix of posts, including Yummy Mummy Recipes, Mommy Dates, Amazing Mom Features, & articles on anything and everything that we come across as women and Moms. I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think- because we all need a little pampering, even if only 5 minutes at a time!

Sunday 24 November 2013

Sundays Mommy feature: Younique with Katrina Baker

Who doesn’t love make up???  

For me I’m the type of person that doesn’t really wear that much make-up, just the bare minimum which consists of face moisturiser, cover-up/foundation, a light bronzer and some mascara and on the odd occasion I put some eye shadow and some lip gloss.

I used to buy makeup  at the local grocery store and not pay that much attention to what I was buying. A few years ago, I went to Sephora to buy some  all natural makeup . I managed to find a few skin care products and a very limited supply of  makeup products.  The few  products that I bought I’ve noticed that my skin doesn’t "break out" that much and doesn’t leave the feeling of wearing layers upon layers of makeup.  Well let’s just say that looking for some products that are all natural, gluten free...that’s right!!!!  I said gluten free and not tested on animals is not an easy task.

But the search has ended for the all natural make-up.... That’s right ladies; I managed to find a company that sells all natural make-up as well as gluten free. I didn’t need to search that far as the answer was right in front of me on a daily basis.

So my new best friend for the makeup side of me is Younique products and my personal sales rep Katrina Baker.

 Younique is a company that is like Avon and Mary Kay on where you can host parties and shop on line. But what makes them different is that you get to shop by looks that are created by the “look artists” and shop by specific categories ranging from fresh to lucrative.

 “Younique's mission is to uplift, empower, validate and ultimately help build the self-esteem of women around the world. Through high-quality products that encourage these core values - along with spiritual enlightenment”

About Katrina:

“I love being a Younique Presenter! Owning my own Younique business allows me the opportunity to work from home, choose my own hours, and control how much money I want to make. I am happy to be your personal Younique Presenter to show you all of these amazing products. Please browse my website and feel free to contact me with any questions. Younique keeps things fresh, new, and exciting by always adding new beauty and fashion products to their product line. I love their products! If you would like to earn Hostess Rewards by holding an online Virtual Party, I can show you how to earn free products without even having to hold a party at your house! I feel so empowered by this business! If you would like to learn more about the products, or how you can earn extra cash by selling these products and becoming a Presenter, please let me know! Whether you are interested in joining my company, or purchasing amazing products, you came to the right place. Bookmark me and return often!”

Of course I needed a little bit more info:

What actually made you choose younique?

I was actually hosting parties for about a month. I saw a great opportunity for myself and my family. Being a stay at home mom and to be able to contribute to my household was a wonderful idea, and to become financially and debt free while working at home is going to be a bonus.

What makes younique products different from the rest?

Younique products are naturally based and chemical free and Gluten free except the Refreshed Rose Water. Also not tested on animals.

Where are the products made? Made in China!

Can anyone host a party?

Anyone can host an online party. You just go to my site and go to my parties. It will link you to Facebook and you can invite all your friends from there to purchase. You receive points when anyone purchases products. You can earn free products and half off products.

So I ordered some eye shadow from Katrina and I can’t wait to get them in the mail so I can start wearing them.


So go ahead and click on the links below and start shopping!!!!! And don’t forget to enter this weeks draw on where you could win a set of 3 eye shadow samples!!!!!!


Links for Younique:

Saturday 23 November 2013

Our first family Christmas outing-surrey Christmas Tree Lighting

Well tonight was our first Christmas event outing as a family. It was a fun filled evening from listening to choirs signing Christmas carols, eating yummy food at Big Reds Poutine Truck to the lighting of the Christmas Tree. 

It was a great way to kick off the holiday season and to start things off right for all of the great holiday events that we get to do as a family.... Or should I say a great way to start off on the "first of many" to do list. 

I always love to attend this event and this year was my 3rd time go. I guess in a way this officially launches the Christmas season... Well in my eyes it does.And what a great turn out of people this year to show their Christmas spirit.

Well here are to many first Christmas events this year

Friday 22 November 2013

TGIF friday Feature-Christmas Season Simplified

Happy Friday everyone!!!! Hope all of you have fun and exciting plans for the weekend.

      Well we all know how crazy the Christmas Season can get, from wrapping gifts and Christmas Baking to holiday parties. We always stress that we have so MUCH to do and so LITTLE time to do it in, but do we really need to stress about all the little things!!! We often forget that if we plan ahead and get a little bit organized the holiday season will simply go smoothly and we will enjoy every moment of it, instead of scratching our heads wondering where it went and what we even did. And you can do it all by not breaking the bank.


Planning Ahead:

            From Christmas baking to hosting parties, we always manage to go over board and do that last minute running around. When we do this, we are always disorganized and always forget other the minor or major necessities. So do a to do list and have a budget!!!!

So here is a few tips that you can use to help you plan and to stay ahead of the game:

1.      Buy all of your baking and cooking items well in advance (plus a little bit extra)- when you do this you will have less time running around and more time on all of the other holiday festivities

2.      Strategize Gift-Wrapping- Start wrapping presents early, but add ribbons, bows, and tags later (label gifts with sticky notes so that you don't forget who gets what). Unadorned boxes are stackable and, as a result, will be easy to store and transport.

3.      Tend the Bar- Take inventory of liquor-cabinet staples, including tonic water and other mixers, and restock those that are running low. Also chill a few bottles of Champagne, as the best holiday fetes are often spontaneous.

4.      Draw Up a Budget and a Gift List Before You Shop- This will ensure even distribution (among say, your kids or your grandkids) and eliminate aimless shopping expeditions. Organize lists by category (clothing, electronics, toys), so you'll have to make only one trip to each store. You can also encourage friends and family to set up wish lists with their favorite online retailers. These services, which work just like wedding registries, are especially helpful for long-distance gift exchanges.

5.      Create a Plan for Holiday Entertaining- Trying to get everything done at the last minute with guests knocking at your door sparks serious stress. Instead, pace yourself. Think about what you can prepare in advance and make a checklist of all the ingredients you need. When it comes time to shop (ideally a few days before the big event), avoid the evening-weekday rush and weekend crowds. The day of, set the table in the morning so that unforeseen events -- a late meeting, a last-minute stop at the wine seller -- don't slow things down. Right before your guests arrive, dim the lights, light some candles, and pour yourself a glass of wine


DIY Decorations

Wow your guests this year with great DIY decorations that you throughout your house.

When it comes to the decorating for the holidays all you would hear are Cha Ching.... that’s right folks those lovely dollars signs always likes to make their loud appearances during this time of year. But they can be silenced.... that’s right they can be silenced.

            Instead of always buying new decorations every year or because the ones that you have are old and sad looking, just take a look around your house and get inspired.


Like those empty wine bottles.... turn them into simple shelf decorations with some metallic paint or even us them as candle holders

Glass vases.... you can fill them up with pine cones, fruits (like lemons, limes, oranges....)

Mason/Jam jars..... Great for homemade snow globes, candle holders or even make great gifts if you’re a baker.


Links and websites:
These are some of my go to websites and links that I love to go to when I am getting ready for the holiday season (or even a party). They provide great ideas and information for the holiday season or for any occasion!!!!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Christmas Events around town-2013

  Christmas 2013


Well the holiday season is upon us..... and we get so worked up with all of the christmas baking, work parties, dinner parties, decorating the house and buying Christmas presents  to put under the tree. That we forget to take the time to slow it down a bit and spend it with the family and enjoy all of the different festivities that are happening around town.

Like who doesn’t want to have breakfast with Santa or even see real live reindeers????

So here are just some of the events and activities that are happening around that are appealing for both families and a group of friends

Top 9 free activities/events downtown

1.Free Ice Skating at Robson Square - November 15, 2013 - February 28, 2013

Since reopening for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, the free outdoor ice skating at Robson Square has become one of Vancouver's most popular winter activities. Located at 800 Robson Street (just across from the Vancouver Art Gallery in the heart of downtown Vancouver), the Robson Square Ice Rink is open Sunday - Thursday from 9am - 9pm and Fridays & Saturdays from 9am - 11pm. Skating is free; skate rentals are $4, helmets and ice cleats are $2.

Yaletown hosts the its second-annual free Christmas event in Vancouver: a festival on Mainland Street (between Davie and Nelson) that includes a "All I want for Christmas" street market, horse-drawn carriage rides, reindeer, ice skating, and Santa. (Bring your own camera for pictures with Santa!)

One of the Top 5 Vancouver Holiday Attractions, the Rogers Santa Claus Parade features over 60 marching bands, dance troupes, festive floats and community groups, attracting over 300,000 spectators along its route through downtown Vancouver.

One of Vancouver's more unique holiday traditions is the parade of "Carol Ships"--ships decked out with elaborate Christmas lights--that take to Vancouver's waterways for nightly processions. To go aboard the Carol Ships costs money, but it's free to watch the spectacle at any of the shoreside Carol Ship events, including Carol Ship watching and bonfires in North Burnaby and West Vancouver's Dundarave Park.

Sponsored by Amacon, the sixth annual Vancouver Tree Lighting Celebration is a free party at the Jack Poole Plaza at the Convention Centre in downtown Vancouver. The celebration includes the ceremonial lighting of a 50-foot Christmas Tree, plus live music from the Vancouver Children’s Choir and Christmas soloists, and special guest appearances by the BC Lions along with the Felines and Bro Jake from Rock 101, as well as Santa himself.

Kerrisdale Village--a picturesque shopping district in the southern Vancouver--celebrates the season with lots of free fun, including free horse and carriage rides (Saturdays only and December 23), live Christmas music in the streets, and a chance to meet Santa and his elves.

Every year, the residents of East Vancouver's Trinity Street join together to create one of the best displays of Christmas lights in Vancouver. Houses along Trinity Street go all-out for the holidays with incredible light displays and festive decor, inviting their neighbours (and all of Vancouver) to enjoy a free stroll down the street.

Take part in one of the world's oldest traditions at this annual event that celebrates the return of the light after the year's shortest day, the Winter Solstice. The Festival includes lantern displays, live musical performances, and events in five Vancouver neighbourhoods, including Yaletown, the Downtown Eastside, Granville Island, and at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden in Chinatown. All Festival events are free, but donations are requested.


 Unmissable Christmas Events

 Grouse Mountain’s Peak of Christmas, ongoing through Dec. 24
Walk in a winter wonderland a thousand metres above the city at Grouse’s annual holiday celebration, Peak of Christmas. The festivities include Santa’s workshop, an 8,000-square-foot outdoor skating pond, real reindeer, sleigh rides, Christmas choirs – all set against an alpine backdrop. The Peak of Christmas is in included in the price of an Alpine Experience Ticket ($39.95 for adults, $35.95 for seniors, $23.95 for youth 13-18, $13.95 for children 5-12).

 Bright Nights – Stanley Park Christmas Train, ongoing through Jan. 1
Come on, it’s lovely weather for a train ride together. Parents of small kiddos consider Bright Nights to be one of the most enjoyable Vancouver holiday traditions. But make no mistake, grown-ups will melt like Frosty in summer over the view of 2 million twinkly lights illuminating Vancouver’s 1000-acre Stanley Park, visible as you ride the park’s Mini Train. Don’t forget to finish with cocoa, roasted nuts, and Christmas carols in the plaza. Rides run 3 p.m. – 10 p.m. (11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays).  Afternoon matinees run Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.  It’s closed on Christmas.  Adults are $10, children and seniors are $7. Matinee train tickets are $5.50.

 Vancouver Chamber Choir’s Britten: Saint Nicholas, Dec. 7
Tenor Ben Heppner brings classical Christmas to the Orpheum. The colourful Saint Nicolas cantata by Benjamin Britten tells the stories of the real saint using choir and orchestra. The companion piece for this joyous holiday concert is a rousing rendition of Gloria by Vivaldi. Tickets start at $10. Can’t make this show? Check out VCC’s other Christmas concerts including A Dylan Thomas Christmas.

 Breakfast with Santa, Dec. 9; 15-24
You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I’m telling you why: Santa Claus really is coming to town. While Vancouver is a brunch kind of place, Kris Kringle can only make it for breakfast. He gets pretty busy around this time of year, if you can imagine. Join Santa for a nosh from 9am-11am on Grouse Mountain. Breakfast includes a sing-a-long, reindeer crafts and admission to Peak of Christmas. Tickets are $49.50 for adults, $29.90 for youth (13-18), $18.40 for children (5-12).

 Festival of Lights at VanDusen Botanical Garden , ongoing Dec. 7-Jan. 1
Vancouver’s award-winning botanical garden transforms into sparkly eye candy every year as gardeners deck the boughs with thousands of strings of coloured lights. The big draw is the enthralling “Dancing Lights” on Livingstone Lake, which burst into action every 30 minutes.  Kids can also meet Santa in his living room, and high five Svend and Jens, the Scandie Christmas gnomes. Dec. 7 – Jan. 1, 4:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.  Closed Christmas.  Adult $14.25; Senior and Youth $10.50; Child $7.75.

 White Christmas: The Musical, ongoing through Dec. 23
ArtsClub Theatre Company presents this beloved holiday classic with a new roster of crooners that do Bing justice.  Based on the classic film, this tap-dancing delight is full of festive tunes: “Blue Skies,” “Sisters,” and the ever-popular “White Christmas”— that will fill you with the spirit of the season. The play runs at Stanley Theatre (2750 Granville St.). Tix range from $25 to $74.

 Vancouver Christmas Market, ongoing through Dec. 24
The holidays Vancouver Christmas Market-style are romantic, aromatic and twinkly. Stroll inside the village gate into a world of rustic wooden huts surrounding a soaring Tannenbaum. Partake in Glühwein, brats, stollen, and gingerbread. Browse Christmas decor and gifts. Kids will enjoy the old fashioned carousel, gingerbread decorating at the Kids Centre.  The market is in Queen Elizabeth Sq. Plaza in downtown Van. Tickets are $5 for adults, except weekdays 11am-4pm, when it drops to $2. Youth (7-12) are $2. Kids (0-6) are free.

 The Nutcracker at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Dec. 14-16
For many, attending the Nutcracker is an irresistible annual holiday tradition that began when their kids danced in it. Join Clara on her adventures with princes, sugarplum fairies, evil rat kings and cossacks. In the Royal Winnipeg Ballet version, you may recognize iconic Canadian imagery (a snowy hockey game and a battle on Parliament Hill) in Clara’s fantasy land. Tickets start at $30.25.

 Luminescence at Vancouver Aquarium, ongoing through Jan. 22
Perhaps the most creative display of lights this holiday season, Vancouver Aquarium has put together an aquatic light show featuring the incredible world of fluorescent and bioluminescent ocean light. Find out why and how aquatic animals like anemones, cuttlefish, jellies and corals glow in the deep. Don’t go home without a meet-and-greet with Scuba Claus – underwater Santa. The show is included with the price of admission: $21 for adults; $16 for youth 13-18, students and seniors; and $13 for children 4-12.

 Lights of Hope at St. Paul’s Hospital, ongoing through Jan. 7
This lovely cavalcade of rainbow stars is a free Christmas attraction you can spot riding buses that run across Burrard Bridge. Every year, Vancouver’s downtown hospital is decked out in 10 kilometres (that’s seawall length) of Christmas lights. The volunteer-built display aims to inspire hospital donations.

 Carol Ships Parade of Lights, ongoing through Dec. 23
Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light as you join a floating parade of 50 decorated boats on a nightly excursion through Vancouver waters including Inner Harbour, Outer Harbour and False Creek to as far as West Vancouver, Port Moody and Deep Cove. Vancouver’s cruise ship companies offer many tpes of holiday adventures that offer dinner, carols and dancing.

 Winter Solstice Lantern Festival, Dec. 21
Participate in old school winter traditions by celebrating the return of light after the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year. This romantic community event takes place across five Vancouver neighbourhoods including Chinatown, Granville Island and Yaletown. As the name suggests, illumination comes from lantern displays, not bulbs. And it’s free! Learn more here.

 The Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris, ongoing through Dec. 29
Feeling, naughty rather than nice? ArtsClub presents the wickedly funny confessions of an elf on duty at a big box retail store during the holiday season. The show runs at the Revue Stage (1601 Johnston St., Granville Island. Tickets start at $29. “For mature elves only.”

 Canyon Lights at Capilano Suspension Bridge, ongoing through Jan. 5
Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling, “Yoo hoo” from the stunning, 137-metre long suspension bridge that swings 70 metres above the Capilano River. While the bridge is always a jaw-dropper, it’s exponentially more magical when it’s decked out in twinkly white Christmas lights. There’s also a scavenger hunt, gingerbread cookie decorating and sing-along carols. Open daily 4pm. – 9pm It’s closed Christmas. Adults are $31.95, children are $12, and it’s $65 per family (2 adults and 2 kids).


Surrey/Langley/Delta Area

Surrey Tree Lighting Festival

 November 23, 2013 Surrey Tree Lighting Festival The City of Surrey will illuminate Central City Plaza and light the City’s official Christmas tree at the annual Tree Lighting Festival presented by Coast Capital Savings. The highlight of this spectacular family event will involve Mayor and Council joining Frosty and Santa as they turn the switch to light the City’s official Christmas tree and kick off the holiday season in Surrey. - See more at:


Bear Creek Park-Christmas Train

Friday, Dec. 6 till Sunday January 5 2014 – Closed December 25th

Adults $5.50 Child $7.00

Open 10am to 4pm daily

Santa is at the station Dec 6 to Dec 24. Bring your camera!

Closed Christmas day

Visit with Santa & receive a candy cane, Christmas Activity kit and Train ride through the Christmas forest

Magic of Christmas Parade Langley - Dec 7
 The first Saturday in December is the official date for the City of Langley's Annual Magic of Christmas Parade. This special event will take place through the downtown core of Langley City on Saturday, December 7th starting at 6:00pm. This is an exciting event that is geared towards bringing together families and the community at large to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season.The Magic of Christmas Parade has featured over 50 entries consisting of festive floats, bands, decorated vehicles, dance troupes, equestrian groups, and community groups.

Photos with Santa

Want to have a picture taken with santa??? Then checkout some of the shopping malls as they will have Santa come and visit, and has some time before the big day to have a photo op with your little one or as a family